Mota Law Firm

Bail Hearings

Are you due to undergo a bail hearing? Then, let us provide you with proven legal representation during your hearing by contacting us on 416-815-2121 to discuss.

When accused of any form of crime, then it is likely that you will need to go through a bail hearing. Bail hearings are a vital part of the Canadian criminal process and will determine what happens next. During a hearing, you will be given information about whether or not you will be released prior to trial.

As a Toronto criminal defence specialist, we can be there to represent you during any bail hearing in Toronto that you have to undergo. We can help to make sure that the bail is swiftly managed and fair relative to the crime that you are accused of committing. This can help to mitigate the damage that the accusation has on your personal and professional life. Contact us to discuss what we can do to make your upcoming bail hearing easier to plan for.

Why Do I Need To Attend A Bail Hearing?

Once accused of any kind of crime, it is likely that you are going to be released back to your home pending trial. However, in more severe cases, it might be within the interest of the law to keep you in prison until your trial. If you are not released after arrest, then you will need to go through a bail hearing.

This hearing will have you come in front of a judge and then have the opportunity to argue your case to be released. With our experience as a criminal defence lawyer in Toronto, we can help create a more convincing argument that has a better chance of securing your release until trial. This can mean that you avoid spending extended time in prison, reducing the risk of the personal and professional damage being incarcerated until trial would have on your life.

What Happens During A Bail Hearing?

You will be taken in front of a judge or a justice of the peace. You are then either released on bail, pending the meeting of strict bail conditions. Unlike in America, there is no cash deposit – you do, though, need to make a financial pledge to the courts. If you breach the conditions of your bail, you will pay this amount.

This would remain the case until your trial takes place. Or, you could be held in custody until your case has been completed and goes to trial.

You can represent yourself at a bail hearing, you can have us come with you as your legal representative, or you can have us represent you. The evidence given during your bail hearing will play a major role in determining whether (or not) you are given bail or kept in custody.

While pre-trial incarceration is rare, it is known to happen if the judge determines you are a threat to the locality. Our job is to make sure that this is not the case and that you can return to your normal life pending the upcoming trial.

Let Us Help You Prepare For Your Bail Hearing

If you are worried about what could go wrong at your bail hearing, let us support you during this uncertain time. As a proven and experienced criminal attorney in Toronto, we have represented many people during their bail hearings. We can be there to help you put your argument across.

Do not allow your bail hearing to become something that you cannot ignore. With our help, we can craft an argument that makes securing your release easier. Whatever the situation, we can be there to act as your legal counsel during your bail hearing to help improve the chances of walking out of court.

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